Virtual Chief Information Security Officer (vCISO)
The role of a Chief Information Security Officer is to align security initiatives with enterprise programs and business objectives, ensuring that information assets and technologies are adequately protected. Viritux has the expertise and capability to be a client’s Chief Information Security Officer.
Virtual Data Protection Officer (vDPO)
The Virtual Data Protection Officer Service will cover all of your requirements under the UK and EU General Data Protection Regulations. It will ensure that the appropriate policies, processes, and procedures are in place to protect the personal data that you control. This includes:
• Data Privacy Impact Assessments
• Processes for Data Subject Access Requests
• Review of data incidents to align with the UK ICO reporting requirements
• Records of Processing Activities
ISO27001 Services
ISO27001:2013 is an Information Security Management System. It provides the framework that allows an organisation to identify and manage information security risks to the confidentiality, integrity and availability of their information assets. Viritux has assisted organisations in gaining certification in ISO27001:2013. This has allowed these organisations to be more competitive in an environment where security cannot be taken for granted.
In addition, Virtux can complete internal audits if your organisation does not have the internal resource.
Cyber Security Assurance Review
The Viritux Cyber Security Review is an in-depth and detailed evaluation of an organisation’s cyber security posture in relation to its compliance with UK government security objectives, policies, standards and processes. It is designed to provide public and private-sector organisations with an audit of their compliance readiness in relation to the standard for which they may be seeking accreditation. In other words, this consultancy service is a risk- and compliance-based audit.