XSS Vulnerabilities in Essential Addons for Elementor

XSS Vulnerabilities in Essential Addons for Elementor

Essential Addons for Elementor, a popular WordPress plugin, had documented vulnerabilities related to Cross-Site Scripting (XSS). These XSS flaws could have allowed attackers to inject malicious scripts into websites using the plugin. Here’s a breakdown of what happened.

The Vulnerability in Essential Addons for Elementor

Type: Stored XSS vulnerabilities. This means an attacker could inject malicious scripts. These would be stored on the website’s database and executed whenever a user visited a vulnerable page.
Affected versions: The vulnerabilities were identified in versions of Essential Addons for Elementor up to, and including, 5.9.10.
Affected Widgets: The flaws resided in two specific widgets included in the plugin:
Woo Product Carousel
Custom ID

Technical Details

The vulnerability in the Woo Product Carousel widget stemmed from insufficient input sanitization for the “alignment” parameter. This allowed attackers to inject malicious code through this parameter.
The Custom ID widget’s vulnerability was due to a lack of proper output escaping. This enables attackers to inject scripts into the custom ID field.

The Vulnerability in Essential Addons for Elementor – Impact

Attack Scenarios: If a website using the plugin was vulnerable, an attacker could have potentially injected scripts to:
Steal website visitor data like cookies or session information.
Redirect visitors to malicious phishing websites.
Deface the website or inject unwanted content.


The developers of Essential Addons for Elementor released a patched version (version 5.9.11) addressing these XSS vulnerabilities. It is crucial to update the plugin to ensure your website is protected.

Here are some additional points to consider

It’s essential to keep your WordPress plugins up-to-date to benefit from security fixes and avoid known vulnerabilities.
Maintaining strong passwords and practising good security hygiene is essential for website security.
If you’re unsure about patching the plugin, consider seeking help from a WordPress developer or security professional.
By understanding these XSS vulnerabilities and the importance of keeping plugins updated, you can help safeguard your website from potential attacks.

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